Learn much more about e-Book readers
How to upload documents to KINDLE

Y O U R   K I N D L E

About sending documents by e-mail to your Kindle

1.       Go to your Amazon account (with your normal login and password)


2.       Click on:  Manage Your Kindle  (to the left)


3.       Click on:  Manage your devices  (to find your Send-to-Kindle-email-address)


4.       Click then on:  Personal document settings.   Write into that site the e-mail addresses from which you accept to receive documents to your Kindle)  From mine, I hope  (kimbrer@gmail.com)


5.       Save it all and close


6.       Tell your friends from whom you accept to get documents that they can mail them to your Kindle e-mail address (see point 3) by normal e-mail.  See in the enclosed which formats they can use


7.       Be aware that it will cost you 1-2 US $ per document you receive (paid automatically to your Amazon account).


NJT  - 28 10 2013

Send to Kindle by E-mail

Send documents to your Kindle as an email attachment

You and your approved contacts can send documents to your registered Kindle devices, free Kindle reading applications, and your Kindle Library in the Amazon Cloud by e-mailing them to your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address ([name]@kindle.com). Your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address is a unique e-mail address assigned to each of your Kindle devices and free Kindle reading applications upon registration.

How to send a document to your Kindle:

Supported File Types:

  • Microsoft Word (.DOC, .DOCX)
  • HTML (.HTML, .HTM)
  • RTF (.RTF)
  • JPEG (.JPEG, .JPG)
  • Kindle Format (.MOBI, .AZW)
  • GIF (.GIF)
  • PNG (.PNG)
  • BMP (.BMP)
  • PDF (.PDF)

PDFs can be converted to the Kindle format so you can take advantage of functionality such as variable font size, annotations, and Whispersync. To have a document converted to Kindle format (.azw), the subject line should be "convert" when e-mailing a personal document to your Send-to-Kindle address.

To find more information about how to use your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address, please visit our  Help Page .

How to buy non-Amazon books for KINDLE

F A C T   S H E E T






DATE:                 January 14, 2012


MAIN FACTS:      Hands-on manual on how to do it – and very legally J


We all know that it is very easy to buy and upload books, newspapers and magazines from AMAZON’s enormous on-line bookshop.


It is less known that it is almost equally easy to buy or get books, newspapers, magazines, documents, etc. from lots of other sources into your Kindle.


Books, newspapers, magazines, etc.:


Download the free programme CALIBRE to your computer:




  • Open the programme, when the download is complete
  • Go to Get Books :
  • Search for e-books   ( title of book )  or
  • Search for this author   ( name of author )  or
  • Search for this title   ( name of title )   or
  • Search for this book   ( exact name of book )  or
  • Stores    ( a list of 46 e-book stores at the moment in many countries )


  •   Fetch News     ( news from 77 different countries – with indication of number of free   sources in each ) 


  • Example:  Danish sources:  7, incl. Berlingske, DR Nyheder, Information, Jyllands-posten and Politiken


  • Convert Books   ( to the format ePub, which Kindle requires )


  • Edit Metadata    ( highlight a downloaded book etc. and give it a name – and save )


When you have finished the downloads of books, newspapers and magazines you want to do to you PC  ( inside the Calibre site ), you connect your Kindle to your computer via the USB cable, which came with your Kindle  ( it’s the electrical cord, from which you just remove the electrical end )


As soon as your Kindle screen shows that the connection is established ( it takes normally under 1 minute ) you go to the Calibre site and click on: Send to main device

The transfer takes a few minutes depending on how many downloads you do.  You can follow the progress in the “south-eastern” corner of your Calibre screen ( number of Jobs ). When it stops and shows a 0, it is done. You can remove the connection from the computer to the Kindle.  And the downloads will be on your Kindle.


If you want to delete some of your downloaded items it is very easy in the Menu of your Kindle.


Danish e-books:    Some of the major e-bookshops:


Saxo:  http://www.saxo.com/dk/boeger/e-boeger  


Gyldendal :  http://www.g.dk/kategori/e-boeger_19802_Y  


Libris Media:  http://www.libris.dk/e-boeger.htm  


If you want to buy an e-book from SAXO you do as follows:


1.     Start with www.saxo.com   ( or other e-bookshops )

2.     Go for ePub format e-books

3.     Select the book you want to buy

4.     Buy it

5.     It will arrive to your PC within 10 minutes as a link

6.     Click on the link

7.     Open it with epub_auto_file    ( to be downloaded first )

8.     Next: click on the Calibre icon  ( Calibre downloaded )

9.     Add Books

10.         Click on Downloads

11.         Open

12.         Right-click on the book concerned

13.         Connect your Kindle with your computer ( USB )

14.         Send to Device

15.         Can be done to several Kindles, if you have more


FREE E-BOOKS:    A couple of the biggest services:

·         GUTENBERG:  www.gutenberg.net   (  38.000 free e-books )


·         ManyBOOKS:  www.manybooks.net  ( 29.000 free e-books )


·         WATTPAD:      www.wattpad.com    ( 100.000 free e-books for smartphones )

Word documents to Kindle:

First your create your own personal, free mailbox with Kindle  ( see the instruction in the booklet you received with your kindle ). 

Your personal Kindle e-mail address is normally:  your-name@kindle.com 

When you have finalized that, the service is ready to go.

You just send the word document you want to have on your Kindle to your new Kindle-address.  And some minutes later it will arrive on your Kindle ( if you remember to put it on-line ).

PDF Documents to ePub ( the format Kindle needs ):

Download the free pårogramme PDF to ePUB to your computer:


And follow the instructions, when you open it after download


Niels Jørgen Thøgersen


e-mail:  niels@con-amore-communications.dk


web:     www.con-amore-communications.dk    





KINDLE e-Book Reader




F A C T   S H E E T



NAME:                      KINDLE e-READER


DATE:                       June 26, 2010   ( 3rd  updated edition )


MAIN FACTS:           Short description


1.    The KINDLE is a book. You use it, sit or lie with it like a book, and you can carry and use it anywhere, also in airplanes. It is a product from http://www.amazon.com/  It is an e-Reader, where you can read and store electronic books, electronic newspapers and magazines.


2.    You can in a few instants download any book, newspaper or magazine on offer from Amazon. The payment is automatic via your Amazon account ( which you have to have to be able to use KINDLE ). It is free and easy to create, and you pay via your credit card. A very safe arrangement.


3.    The download of books is very easy and for free ( paid by Amazon via the 3G mobile network – called Whispernet ). You just have to keep Kindle’s WiFi function turned on, while you do it. The download of one book normally takes less than one minute.


4.    After the download you have the book on your Kindle hard disk forever. In addition Amazon is for free offering an automatic archive of all your purchases at their database. From there you can later download your books at any time.


5.    On the Kindle itself you can hold up to about 600 books.


6.    The reading on the screen is very easy and user friendly. Amazon calls it “electronicpaper”. It is not  like reading on a computer screen ( like on iPad ) It is much more friendly to your eyes. You can read in any condition when light is concerned.  You can yourself control the type and the size of the letters.


7.    While reading a book, a paper or a magazine you can - by moving the cursor to a particular word - immediately see an explanation of that word in English at the bottom of the page. This explanation comes directly and instantaneously from “The New Oxford American Dictionary”, which is part of the KINDLE, when you buy it.


8.    When you close the Kindle during reading you will automatically arrive at the page you left when you open your Kindle again.


9.    The Kindle has a very efficient in-built HELP function.


10.    The price of books downloaded from Amazon is normally about 12-15 $ - whatever the size of the book. Significantly cheaper than buying them as hard cover books.


11.    At the moment it is only books offered by Amazon which you can buy and download to KINDLE. But as Amazon almost offers any book being publish in English, French and German the possibilities are enormous.


12.    For the time being no Danish books, etc. are on offer at Kindle. But this is probably just a question of time.


13.    You can also download books for free from this site:  http://www.gutenberg.org/   They offer about 30.000 different titles. And their partners offer more than 100.000 books for free. Study the website to see what - and how.


14.    When newspapers are concerned I am myself subscribing to the INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE. You can try it out for 14 days for free. After that it costs about 19 US $ a month.  It arrives automatically early every morning ( actually already around midnight ) at your Kindle. And it stays there for you to read any time you want. You can get it almost anywhere you are in the world. Many other newspapers are on offer the same way. 


15.    You can at the moment subscribe to newspapers from the following countries: The US ( 59 papers ), Brazil ( 6 ), Canada ( 12 ), China ( 1 ), Czech Republic ( 1 ), France ( 2 ), Germany ( 2 ), India ( 1 ), International ( 2 ), Italy ( 1 ), Japan ( 2 ), Mexico ( 1 ), Middle East ( 1 ), Portugal ( 1 ), Russia ( 1 ), Spain ( 6 ), and the United Kingdom ( 6 ).


Some of the best known newspapers on offer now are:


·        New York Times  ( 27,99 $ a month, ca. 150 D.kr )

·        Washington Post ( 23,99 $ a month, ca. 130 D.kr )

·        Le Monde  ( 27,99 $ a month, ca. 150 D.kr)

·        Frankfurter Allgemeine  ( 27,99 $ a month, ca. 150 D.kr )

·        International Herald Tribune  ( 19,99 $ a month, ca. 120 D.kr )

·        The Independent  ( 22,99 $ a month, ca. 130 D.kr )

·        Financial Times, London  ( 27,99 $ a month, ca. 150 D.kr )


         You can try each of them for free for 14 days. And without commitments.


         KINDLE also offers similar subscriptions for several magazines ( such as

         Foreign Affairs, Technology Review from MIT, PC Magazine, etc. )


16.     You can very easily make Clippings of books and newspapers and keep them –

         including transfer them to your computer for further use.


17.      You can also subscribe for free to the main news in newspapers from 38 different         countries around the world. Including three from Denamrk ( Politiken, Jyllands-Posten and Information ).

18.    To do that you have to download the free programme CALIBRE – a programme for eBook management. You download it to your computer.   Website:  http://calibre-ebook.com/    Very easy to handle.


19.    After downloading the programme you open it and click on: FETCH NEWS. Then you can find the newspaper you want to download. It takes a bit of time.  Afterwards you connect your computer to your KINDLE via USB ( a USB cable is part of the electronic cable – very smart ! ). Then you click on: Send to Device  ( send to main memory ) in Calibre. And it’s on your KINDLE within seconds J


20.    You can also upload your Word documents to KINDLE. To do that you have to create you own personal KINDLE e-mail address. On your computer you go to:  http://www.amazon.com/manageyourkindle   Sign in with your Amazon account. In your Kindle section select: Edit Information. Make your own address ....@kindle.com  And remember to click on Update information.  Add also from which e-mail addresses you will accept mails to this account ( your own, probably ) – to avoid spam.   From now on you can send e-mails with the word documents as enclosure to this personal Kindle address. And they will automatically appear very quickly on your KINDLE.  You will be charged a small amount by Amazon for each transaction.   You can also transfer JPEG pictures in the same way.



21.    The direct web link to KINDLE at Amazon’s home page is: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0015TG12Q?amp%3Brw_absolute=y  


22.    The price for KINDLE DX ( the best and biggest version ) is indicated to 489 $. Remember also to buy the leather hard cover ( 49 $ ). Very practical.


23.    The advantages of this service are immense. Including being very friendly to the environment. And to your purse J              


24. There are many other eReaders on the market. And more will come. The new iPad from Apple is one of them. But in a recent review in the International Herald Tribune it was said that KINDLE is much better than iPad as eReader. The iPad has its advantages in other fields.        





Niels Jørgen Thøgersen


e-mail:  kimbrer@gmail.com


And follow HOT NEWS in the media in 28 European countries – in 20 languages – here:

http://www.livingeurope.eu/        Users Guide at:  www.niels-jorgen-thogersen.dk/33454409







CYBOOK E-Book Reader

F A C T   S H E E T



NAME:                 CYBOOK ORIZON


DATE:                  December 8, 2010 


MAIN FACTS:      Short description of this French eReader


Cybook Orizon news, here you go!

“Download eBooks at your fingertips”

Bookeen introduces the Cybook Orizon

The new touch-screen, WiFi-equipped ebook reader

photo: M. Grigoriev

Bookeen, the European leader of the ebook reader market, will launch its next-generation reading device, the Cybook Orizon in mid-October.  Suggested retail price is 229.99€.

Thinner than a newspaper and lighter than a book (245 g – 8.6 oz), the Cybook Orizon boasts a non-glare, multi-touch screen with reading quality close to that of paper.

Thanks to its integrated Wi-Fi connectivity, the Cybook Orizon lets you very easily download your book in a few seconds.

Its sleek lines (it’s just 0.29’’ – 7.6 mm thick) give book lovers an elegant tool for a unique reading experience.

The Cybook Orizon was developed in its entirety by Bookeen’s engineering teams in France.

A new generation of ebook reader, packed with innovations

Turn the pages with your fingertips.  The screen incorporates “Caress touch ePaper” technology.  “For a long time, we’ve been trying to incorporate a touch technology that didn’t compromise the screen’s readability.  With Cybook Orizon, it’s a done deal. No glare at all, the Cybook Orizon stays readable in full sunshine.”  announced Michel Dahan, cofounder of Bookeen.  “Just touch the page lightly, and everything becomes simpler, more intuitive.”

Annotate, highlight text to remember key points as you read, adjust the character size simply by moving your fingers, thanks to the screen’s multi-touch capability. “We wanted to make a reader you can use as soon as you get your hands on it.  So for us, it was simple:  make it multi touch from the beginning,” says Bookeen cofounder Laurent Picard. “Thanks to the touch screen, you’ll find it’s easy to use, and a pleasure to interact with.”

All that technology is packed into a device the thickness of a magazine.  “Getting it down to 0.29’’ (7.6 mm) was a true technical challenge.  Our engineers worked hard to make it that thin and at the same time adhere to the highest standards of durability,” Michael Dahan points out.  “The result is better than expected. We managed to build the thinnest ebook reader in the world.”

Your books immediately available

The Cybook Orizon has a built-in WiFi module.  You can download a book in a minute or so without having to use your computer.  “With Cybook Orizon, we wanted to give users immediate access to books directly from Cybook.  For premium content, we did a lot of work on buying dynamics to make the process extremely simple for the user,” says marketing director Jean-Luc Satin.  Cybook Orizon is a real alternative to American competitors, but this time with a European based catalogue.”

Bookeen will address all major European countries. Bookeen will bring every local Book catalogue to the Cybook Orizon, enabling European customers to buy their books in their own language. To enable his European bookstore, Bookeen collaborates with major players in digital book distribution in Europe.

We will begin with France. French customers will enjoy access to most of the French digital catalogue:  25,000 titles issued by 185 publishers.

The same set will be rolled out at the end of the year in many European countries, such as Italy and Spain.

The Cybook Orizon allows direct access to a catalog of free books, and 150 classic books are embedded for the user to discover and enjoy reading on the Cybook Orizon.

Internet access:  surf the net unrestricted

The Cybook Orizon is also equipped with an unrestricted web browser that allows you access the web site of your choice with no limits, and download content that’s readable on your device.

The Cybook Orizon will be available for pre-order starting September 25 at bookeen.com and retail partner sites.

New information will be available in the next few weeks via www.bookeen.com , Facebook and Twitter .

The Cybook Orizon will be available in black and white.

About Bookeen

Bookeen European leader of the ebook industry develops and markets ebook readers in over 70 countries.  The founders, Laurent Picard and Michael Dahan, engineers and book lovers, participated in the development of the first electronic book in 1998.  In 2003, they created Bookeen, and in October 2007 successfully launched their first ePaper based ebook reader, Cybook Gen3.  Since then, Bookeen has enjoyed uninterrupted growth.  At its Paris facilities, Bookeen brings together an R&D team known worldwide for excellence and innovation.  In October 2010, Bookeen will launch the Cybook Orizon, the first touch-screen ebook reader with built-in WiFi, which offers simplified access to ebooks.  Bookeen plans to extend its book download service to all European countries in which they operate by the end of the year.

Data Sheet : Bookeen Cybook Orizon

Size 6’’


Monochromatic – 16 grayscale

Touch screen epaper- SiPix technology


800 x 600 pixels – 167 dpi


2 GB (1,500 to 2,000 books)

Maximum storage capacity

1 microSD memory card slot (8 GB max; up to approximately 8,000 titles)


Wi-Fi (802. 11 b/g/n)

Bluetooth (2.1+EDR)

Micro-USB port

Synchronization with PC


Synchronization with Mac


Audio/video functions

Reads the following text formats : Adobe ePUB/PDF (with or without DRM), TXT and HTML files; photo formats: (16 level greyscale) : JPEG, GIF and PNG

Plug-in port

Micro USB 2.0

Additional content

150 books included.

Power supply

Rechargeable (via USB cable) lithium-polymer battery

Battery life

Up to 10,000 consecutive pages / approximately 3 weeks

Multi-touch Screen

Bookeen touch interface

Multi-touch function to enlarge or reduce character size with the fingertips

Annotation, note taking, and highlighting functions

Direct access to content download platform

Additional book reader 3.0 software features

-Motion sensor (automatically adjusts to portrait or landscape mode),

- Right- and left- hand interfaces

- 12 font sizes, extra fonts available

Dimensions (l x w x h) en mm

(4.9’’x7.5’’x125.7 x 189.49 x 7.6 mm

Net weight (grams)




Niels Jørgen Thøgersen


e-mail:  kimbrer@gmail.com

Google e-Book Reader

F A C T   S H E E T



NAME:                 Google eBooks


DATE:                  December 8, 2010 


MAIN FACTS:      Short description


On December 6, 2010, Google launched its new Google eBooks and Google eBookshop. At this moment it only works in the US. But the service will be available also in Europe shortly.


Here is Google’s own short description of this new service with 3 million eBooks, many of them for free:


Discover more than 3 million Google eBooks from your choice of booksellers and devices

12/06/2010 07:00:00 AM

Today is the first page in a new chapter of our mission to improve access to the cultural and educational treasures we know as books. Google eBooks will be available in the U.S. from a new Google eBookstore . You can browse and search through the largest ebooks collection in the world with more than three million titles including hundreds of thousands for sale. Find the latest bestsellers like James Patterson’s Cross Fire and Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom, dig into popular reads like Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken and catch up on the classics like Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities and Gulliver’s Travels.


We designed Google eBooks to be open. Many devices are compatible with Google eBooks—everything from laptops to netbooks to tablets to smartphones to e-readers. With the new Google eBooks Web Reader , you can buy, store and read Google eBooks in the cloud. That means you can access your ebooks like you would messages in Gmail or photos in Picasa—using a free, password-protected Google account with unlimited ebooks storage.

In addition to a full-featured web reader, free apps for
Android and Apple devices will make it possible to shop and read on the go. For many books you can select which font, font size, day/night reading mode and line spacing suits you—and pick up on the page where you left off when switching devices.

You can discover and buy new ebooks from the Google eBookstore or get them from one of our independent bookseller partners: Powell’s , Alibris and participating members of the American Booksellers Association . You can choose where to buy your ebooks like you choose where to buy your print books, and keep them all on the same bookshelf regardless of where you got them.

When Google Books first launched in 2004, we set out to make the information stored in the world’s books accessible and useful online. Since then, we’ve digitized more than 15 million books from more than 35,000 publishers, more than 40
libraries , and more than 100 countries in more than 400 languages. This deep repository of knowledge and culture will continue to be searchable through Google Books search in the research section alongside the ebookstore.




Niels Jørgen Thøgersen


e-mail:  kimbrer@gmail.com


F A C T   S H E E T



NAME:                       FNACBOOK


DATE:                        December 8, 2010 


Website:                    http://www.fnac.com/FnacBook-Livre-numerique-3G-gratuite-et-WiFi-50-livres-offerts-inclus/a2995447/w-4   


MAIN FACTS:            Short description of this eBook reader


Fnacbook Touch eReader

The biggest bookstore chain in France has released their very own eReader. Although not the first eReader to come from France (Cybook has that honor), the new Fnacbook Touch is the first to be released solely into the French market.

The hardware will seem pretty familiar to most; 6-inch E-Ink touch screen, WiFi and 3G, but the design is quite different; the looks are more playful than they are sleek design, and I have to say it looks pretty cool!

To coincide with the launch, FNAC is making 80,000 French titles available, which will cost around 20-30% less than their paper counterparts. Like Amazon, FNAC is also releasing an iPhone app (November) and an Android app in the first half of 2011.

Fnacbook costs  199 euro.




Niels Jørgen Thøgersen


e-mail:  kimbrer@gmail.com