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"The European Area in Brussels:


A Short Overview of Streets, Squares and Buildings"



by Niels Jorgen Thøgersen




"The European Area in Brussels:

A Short Overview of Streets, Squares and Buildings"


by Niels Jorgen Thogersen




King of the Eburons and Resistance Leader to Julius Caesar in the war of the Celtic-Germanic tribes in Belgium, 58-53 B.C.  He lost.



Greek mathematician and physicist.  Lived 287-212 B.C.  Made numerous practical inventions: the tackle, different war machines, etc.  Was killed when the Romans conquered Syracuse.



A Belgian city in the province of Luxembourg with 24,000 inhabitants.  Has remains from Roman times.



Augustin Daniel Belliard, 1769-1832.  Count and French military officer.  Joined as a volunteer in the French Revolution in 1789.  Was quickly promoted but soon fired and arrested.  Started again as a low-ranking soldier with a quick career advancement to General in Napoleon's Grande-Armée.


After Napoleon's defeat in 1815, he served the new French King, Louis XVIII, who nominated him as French Ambassador to Belgium.  Here, he assisted in preparing and writing the new democratic constitution for Belgium in 1830.  He died two years later in Belgium.



Adviser to the representative of the Spanish King Philippe II in Belgium, Margarethe in the 16th century.  In 1566, the Calvinists revolted against the very strict Catholic government of Margarethe (supported by William of Orange, Count Egmont, Hoorn, etc.). The government won.


Later, in 1626, the Couvent de Berlaimont was created by Margarith de Lalaing (Countess of Berlaimont).  This Convent was situated where the present Berlaymont building lies today.



King of the Belgian tribe, the Nerviens, who were defeated by Caesar in 57 B.C. in the battle near the river Schelde.  This battle was the definitive surrender by the Belgians to the Romans.  Only three out of King Boduognat's 600 counsellors survived the battle.



Albert Borschette, 1920-76.  Diplomat and politician from Luxembourg who was a member of the European Commission from 1970 until his death.



Jan Breydel, Flemish freedom fighter against the French King Philippe IV.  Became especially known in the battle of 18th May 1302 which the Flemish won.  There is a special memorial for him in the centre of Bruges (built 1887).



Lived 742-814.  King of Franconia from 768.  Roman Emperor from 800 with residence in Aachen.



Built in 1881 as a celebration of the fifty years of the independent Kingdom of Belgium.



Lived 465-511.  King of Franconia from 481. Founded the Franconian State by conquering Gallia and the Western part of the Germanic area from the Romans.  His people settled in the area, which is now Belgium and The Netherlands.  He became a Christian.



Antonio Allegri (called 'Il Correggio' or 'Corrège').  Italian painter.  Lived 1489-1534.  One of the masters of the Renaissance.  His works, especially in Parma, are famous.



Named after the Flemish town of Kortenberg.



Jean De Mot, 1876-1918.  Archeologist. Was in particular responsible for the Royal Museums at the Cinquantenaire.  Became a national hero during World War I.



George Eastman, 1854-1932.  American industrialist and philanthropist.  Founder of the company KODAK.  Built and paid for the Eastman Dental Clinic in the Leopold area in Brussels, the purpose being to help the citizens of Brussels with free and proper dental service after the harsh German occupation during World War I.  The building is now used by the European Parliament.



A south-eastern suburb of Brussels.  The word BEEK probably comes from the Nordic word baek, which means brook.



Benjamin Franklin, 1706-90.  An American physicist and statesman.  Invented the lightning conductor.  Popular American Ambassador in France before the French Revolution.  Was strongly opposed to the slavery in America.



Jean Froissart, 1333-1404.  French historian and poet.  Born in Valenciennes, which was then the capital of Independent Flanders.  Travelled all over Europe, including Belgium.  Wrote books about Europe's history.  Wrote also the world's longest poem (30.000 verses).



Hector Guimard, 1867-1942.  French architect. Strongly involved in the 'art nouveau' style.  Played an important role in building the Paris metro and was also very active in the town planning of Brussels.



German-Roman Emperor, 1741-90.  Son of Marie Theresia and François I.  Positive towards the Age of Enlightenment  and wanted a government of enlightened despotism.  An idealistic emperor with much opposition against him, not least in Belgium and Hungary.



Jean-Baptiste Jourdan, 1762-1833.  French Count.  Joined the army at the beginning of the French Revolution.  Soon after became General.  Won battles in Belgium and the Rhine 1794-96.  Opposed Napoleon's 'coup d'etat' in 1799.  Became a French Minister during the July revolution in 1830.



An old tradition in Brabant, when new Dukes visited a city they would receive the keys and oath of allegiance.  This was called the 'Joyeuse Entrée' and lasted for centuries.



1547-1606.  Flemish-Dutch reseacher in ancient history and philosopher.  Wrote about ancient history in Latin.  Became a Catholic.  At the age of 25, he was a Professor in Jena, Germany.  At 32, he became Professor in Leyden, Holland and later, he became Professor at the University of Leuven.



1858-1917.  Belgian painter and sculptor.  Inspired by the romantic period.  Especially known for his portraits of aristocratic ladies.  As a sculptor, he was, in particular, making naturalistic sculptors of wild animals.



Belgian kings.  The Quartier Leopold was planned and created in 1851, and named after King Leopold I.


Leopold I: 1790-1865, Prince of Saxony-Coburg.  Became a British citizen.  The first king of independent Belgium (1831-65).


Leopold II: 1835-1909.  Reigned in the years 1865-1909.  Conquered the Congo.


Leopold III: 1901-83.  Son of King Albert I.  Married to the Swedish Princess Astrid.  Reigned in the years 1935-51.  Father of Baudouin and Albert II.



David Livingston, 1813-73.  Scottish medical doctor, missionary and explorer.  Was particularly active in Africa where he tried to find the springs of the Nile.  He disappeared but was found again in 1871 by Henry Stanley in the Congo.  He died in Africa.



A street almost two kilometres in length.  A short part of it was built in 1797.  Was earlier called "rue de Brabant".  Was extended in 1851 when the Quartier Leopold was created.  Its name is linked to the fact that the Belgian Parliament is included within it.



The square is named after the Belgian Province of Luxembourg - not to be mistaken with the Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.  Around and near the square, several buildings are named after cities and towns in that area.



Is a geographical and political part of Brussels and is a large part of the European area.



Marguerite de Male, Count Louis de Male's daughter, married to Philippe de Bourgogne in the 14th century.  Philippe was the Burgundy King of Flanders.



Queen, 1457-82.  Daughter of King Charles the Bold.  Inherited her father's thrown in 1477.  Was thrown out of Burgundy by the French King Louis XI, but found support in the Netherlands.  Married Maximilian, son of Emperor Frederic III.  Maximilian defeated the French.  When she died, the Netherlands passed on to the Habsburgs and became a part of her son Charles V's large empire.



Marie-Louise de Habsbourg-Lorraine, 1791-1847.  Daughter of Emperor Franz II of Austria.  Empress of France, married to Emperor Napoleon I in 1810.  Gave birth to their son Napoleon II in 1811 (later King of Rome).  Left the Emperor in 1814.  Became, together with her lover, the ruler of Parma from 1816.  Was beautiful but unpopular.



Charles Martel, ruler of Franconia 688-741.  Stopped the advance in Europe of the Arabs in 732.



Ferdinand Meeus, 1798-1861.  Belgian Count and politician.  Member of Parliament.  Director of Societé Général.



Michelangelo, 1475-1564.  Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet.  One of the greatest personalities of the Renaissance.



Jean Monnet, 1888-1979.  French economist.  Deputy Secretary-General of the League of Nations.  Worked during WWII in the US to coordinate the war supplies to the Allies.  In 1946, responsible for the  reconstruction of France.  The founding father, together with Robert Schman and others, of what is today the European Union.  President of the High Authority of CECA (the European Coal and Steel Community), 1952-55.



Joseph Montoyer, 1749-1811, was an architect from the southern part of the Netherlands.  He followed the same classical style as the French architect Guimard Montoyer.  Montoyer built , for example, the Laeken Castle (1784), St. Jacob-op-Koudenberg (1787) and the building complex at Rue de la Loi (1778), now seat of the Belgian Parliament and the Belgian Government.



The name of one of Ambiorix's Celtic-Germanic tribes which was defeated by Caesar in 58-53 B.C.



Walther Frère-Orban, 1812-96.  Belgian politician and Member of Parliament.  Eminent speaker.  Foreign Minister of Belgium in the 1880'ies.



Henry Temple Palmerston, Lord Palmerston, British Foreign Minister.  Lived 1784-1865.  He was instrumental in the peace negotiations which gave Belgium its independence in 1830.



1396-1467.  Duke of Burgundy.  Made an alliance with Britain and fought against Charles VII.  Made peace with him later.  Was very supportive of business, not least the Flemish textile industry.  Bought Namur in 1429 and inherited Flanders in 1430.  Created the order of "Toison d'Or" in 1429.



City in the north of France at the river Somme.  Goes back to before Roman times.  Became French from 1215.



Jean Rey, 1902-83.  Lawyer and Belgian Liberal politician.  Member of Parliament for Liège, 1939-58.  Minister in 1949.  Member of the European Commission in 1958 and President in 1967-71.  Later, Member of the European Parliament.



Robert Schuman, 1886-1963.  Born in Luxembourg.  German soldier during World War I (as he had previously moved to Alsace which was conquered by Germany).  Later, French politician.  Prime Minister, 1947-48.  Foreign Minister, 1948-53.  Presented the so-called Schuman Plan on 9th May, 1950 regarding the creation of the EU.  Later, President of the European Parliament, 1958-60.



Ernest Solvay, 1838-1922.  Belgian chemical engineer and industrialist.  Liberal politician.  Minister in 1918.  Created, in 1914, a national relief and food programme for the Belgian population who had suffered severely under German occupation.



Simon Stevin (or Stevens), 1548-1620.  Also called Simon de Bruges.  Flemish mathematician and physicist.  Worked in the Dutch language, not in Latin (which was normal at that time).  Active promoter of Calvinism.  Worked in many areas such as the introduction of the decimal system in currencies, measurements and units of weight (only, de facto, introduced centuries later), invented how to work with decimal fractions and decimal arithmetic, worked as a dike engineer and assisted in developing new military strategies.



Guillaume I of Nassau, called "Le Taciturne" (silent, reticent).  Lived 1533-84.  Son and successor of Frederic-Henri.  Governor of Holland.  Inherited the area of Orange and became the founder of the Orange-Nassau family line.



Treves is the French word for the German city of Trier, an old Roman city on the banks of the river Mosel.  Was, earlier, part of the diplomatic area in Brussels.  The American Legation was situated here during World War I when the American envoy, Brand Whitlock, gave very, strong, moral and practical support to the Belgians under German occupation (until the US went to war in 1917 and Brand Whitlock, as a consequence, had to leave Belgium).



Jacob van Maerlant, 1235-1300.  Flemish-Dutch poet.  Started as a 'vergent' in the village Maerlant (near Den Briel) on the Dutch island of Voorne.  Lived, later, in Damme by Bruges as a writer.  Wrote about theological and social questions.  Supported a sort of communist-spartacus society.  Became, in a way, founder of Flemish literature.


The Convent van Maerlant was rebuilt in its present site in 1908 - moved from its previous address in rue Ravenstein, where the area was expropriated for other purposes.



Maurice Vauthier, 1860-1931.  Belgian lawyer and politician.  Professor, and later rector, at Université Libre de Bruxelles.  One of the leaders in the City Council of Brussels, 1914-27.  Belgian Minister of interior in 1927.



Antoine Wiertz, 1806-65.  Born in Dinant.  Historic-romantic painter, especially in religious subjects.  Aimed at a synthesis between Michelangelo and Rubens.

Good ethnic Restaurants and Shops



Recommendations from specialists




1.      AUSTRIA:


·        Restaurants:    Schmankerl,

                                    313,-315, Chaussee de Wavre, 1040 Bruxelles  (Pl. Jourdan)

                                    tel. (02) 648 78 20


                                    Tiroler Stüberl – Chez Melitta,

                                    174, avenue de l’Hippodrome, 1050 Bruxelles

                                    tel. (02) 640 0270


     * Shops:                 Brigitte Neys,   (clothes)

                                   14,  Place du Châtelain, 1050 Bruxelles

                                    tel. (02) 534 8435


2.      BELGIUM:


·        Restaurants:     Roue d’Or, Brasserie

                               Rue Chapelliers 26, 1000 Bruxelles

                               Tel. (02) 514 2554


                               Witte Roos / Rose Blanche,

                               Grand Place 11, 1000 Bruxelles

                               Tel. (02) 513 6479


                               Volle Gas,

                               21, Place Fernand Cocq, 1050 Bruxelles

                               tel. (02) 502 8917



                               32, rue des Renards, 1000 Bruxelles

                               tel. (02) 502 7251

·        Shops:




                              *    Restaurants:     Golem,

                                                             36, avenue Y. Lutens, 1150 Bruxelles-Alsemberg

                                                             tel. (02) 771 6602



                                                             301, Groite Baan, 1620 Drogenbos

                                                             tel. (02) 331 3055

·        Shops:


4.      CYPRUS:


                              *    Restaurants:      Strofilia,       (Greek restaurant with Cypriot specialities)

                                                             11, rue du Marché aux Porcs, 1000 Bruxelles

                                                              tel. (02) 512 32 93

·        Shops:






5.      DENMARK:


                              *    Restaurants:      Nordica,

                                                             220, rue Belliard, 1040 Bruxelles

                                                             tel. (02) 230 14 39


                              *    Shops:              Nordica Design,

                                                             220, rue Belliard, 1040 Bruxelles

                                                             tel. (02) 230 13 05


                                                             Scan Shop,

                                                             133, Chaussee de Tervueren, 1410 Waterloo

                                                             tel. (02) 351 12 75


                                                             Inspiration Scandinave,

                                                             19 A rue F. Libert,  1410 Waterloo

                                                             tel. (02) 354 8999

                                                             website:  http://www.inspiration-scandinave.be/



6.      ESTONIA:


·        Restaurants:      None

·        Shops:


7.      FINLAND:


·        Restaurants:     None

·        Shops:              Finnish Seamen’s Church Shop,

                               9, rue de Pascale, 1000 Bruxelles

                               tel.  (02) 280 0498


                               Finnish Seamen’s Church Shop,

                               Italiëlei 67, 2000 Antwerpen

                               Tel. (03) 231 3912


                               Finnish Cultural Centre,

                               Italilëi 69, 2000 Antwerpen



                               New Shop    (traiteur with a Scandinavian touch)

                               350, rue au Bois, 1150 Bruxelles



8.      FRANCE:


·        Restaurants:      L’Ogenblik,

                                1, Gallerie des Princes, 1000 Bruxelles

                                tel. (02) 511 6151


                                O Comme 3 Pommes,

                                40, Place Chatelain, 1050 Bruxelles

                                tel. (02) 644 0323


                                Bar Bar Sol,

                                105, rue Defacqz, 1050 Bruxelles

                                tel. (02) 534 6855



                                76, rue Marché aux Herbes, 1000 Bruxelles

                                tel. (02) 511 8291


                                Les Petits Oignons,

                                13, rue Notre-Seigneur, 1000 Bruxelles

                                tel. (02) 512 4738

·        Shops:


9.      GERMANY:


·        Restaurants:          Weinstube Maxburg,

                                    108, rue Stevin, 1000 Bruxelles

                                    tel. (02) 230 2267


·        Shops:                   Urbanus,     (butcher and baker)

                                    34, avenue J. de Trooz, 1150 Bruxelles-Woluwe St.P

                                    tel. (02) 770 03 08


10.  GREECE:


                             *    Restaurants:            Notos,

                                                                  154, rue de Livourne, 1000 Bruxelles

                                                                  tel. (02) 513 29 59



                                                                  73, rue Franklin,  1000 Bruxelles

                                                                  tel. (02) 736 20 02



                                                                  134, rue Stevin,  1000 Bruxelles

                                                                  tel. (02) 231 5555


                             *    Shops:                    Canette,       (Greek wines)

                                                                  28, rue de Witte de Haelen, 1000 Bruxelles

                                                                  tel. (02) 223 13 82




·        Restaurants:          Le Jardin de Budapest,

                                    424, avenue de Jette, 1083 Bruxelles-Ganshoren

                                    tel. (02) 426 60 94



                                    Hungaria Restaurant,

                                    28, avenue du Roi Albert, 1082 Bruxelles (Berchem)

                                    tel. (02) 465 01 51


·        Shops:




·        Restaurants:          James Joyce   (Irish bar)

                                   34, rue Archimede, 1000 Bruxelles

                                   tel. (02) 230 98 94


                                   Sean O’Casey,

                                   1, rue du Bailli, 1050 Bruxelles

                                   tel. (02) 648 8556


·        Shops:                  Jack O’Shea   (butcher)

                                  30, rue Le Titien, 1000 Bruxelles

                                  tel. (02) 732 53 51


13.  ITALY:


·        Restaurants:         Rosticceria Fiorentina,

                                                                 45, rue Archimede, 1000 Bruxelles

                                                                 tel. (02) 734 92 36


                                                                 La Fattoria del Chianti,  (Toscana specialities)

                                                                  48, rue Archimède, 1040 Bruxelles

                                                                 tel. (02) 230 5451



                                                                 20, rue de Pascale, 1040 Bruxelles

                                                                 tel. (02) 280 0682


                                                                 Al Pomo d’Oro,

                                                                 48, avenue d’Auderghem, 1040 Bruxelles

                                                                 tel. (02) 230 04 75


                                                                  La Pineta,

                                                                 2A, rue Franklin,  1000 Bruxelles

                                                                 tel. (02) 736 57 05


                                                                  Paolo’s Idea – La Ciabatta,

                                                                 33-35, rue Gen. Leeman, 1040 Bruxelles

                                                                 tel. (02) 340 35 13


·        Shops:                  Stival-Market,

                                   156, Boulevard du Jubilée, 1080 Bruxelles-Jette

                                   tel. (02) 428 15 37


                                   Paolo’s Idea – La Ciabatta,

                                   33-35, rue Gén. Leeman, 1040 Bruxelles

                                   tel. (02) 340 35 13


                                   Casa Italiana,

                                                                 Rue Archimède 37-39, 1040 Bruxelles

                                                                 Tel. (02) 733 4070


14     LATVIA:


·        Restaurants:          None

·        Shops:


                   15. LITHUANIA:


·        Restaurants:          None

·        Shops:




·        Restaurants:           None

·        Shops:


17.  MALTA:


·        Restaurants:          None

·        Shops:




·        Restaurants:          None

·        Shops:


19.  POLAND:


·        Restaurants:                    Le Saint Michel,

                                              Rue Père Eudore Devroye 12,  1040 Bruxelles – Etterbeek

                                              Tel. (02) 734 5611


                                              Centrum Polskie,

                                                                            68, rue du Croissant, 1190 Bruxelles

                                                                            tel. (02) 534 54 34


·        Shops:                              Polskie Delikatesy,

                                               49, Chaussée de Waterloo, 1060 Bruxelles

                                               tel. (02) 538 23 51


                                               U Smoka,

                                               399, Chaussée d’Alsemberg, 1180 Bruxelles

                                               tel. 0477 256 773



                                              6, boulevard du Jardin Botanique, 1000 Bruxelles

                                              tel. 0497 625 066


                                               Friend Ship Store,    (day and night)

                                              108, rue Jourdan, 1060 Bruxelles

                                              tel. (02) 538 32 08




·        Restaurants:                     Coimbra,

                                               avenue Jean Volders 54, 1060 Bruxelles

                                               Tel. (02) 538 6535

·        Shops:




·        Restaurants:                      None

·        Shops:




·        Restaurants:                      None

·        Shops:


23.  SPAIN:


·        Restaurants:                    Villa de Bruse las ,

                                              65, rue Archimede, 1000 Bruxelles

                                              tel. (02) 736 3449


                                               La Hacienda,

                                              Koningslosteenweg 34, 1800 Vilvoorde

                                              tel. (02) 649 26 85


                                              Comocomo       (Spanish-Basque)

                                              19, rue Antoine Dansaert, 1000 Bruxelles

                                              tel. (02) 503 0330


                                              Tapas y Mas,

                                              372, Chaussee de Boendael, 1050 Bruxelles

                                              tel. (02) 640 0025

·        Shops:


24.  SWEDEN:


·        Restaurants:                   Madam Olsen,      (Scandinavian, French, Maghreb)

                                            189, rue Haute, 1000 Bruxelles

                                             tel. (02) 502 1418


·        Shops:                            Scan Shop,

                                            133, Chaussée de Tervueren, 1410 Waterloo

                                             tel. (02) 351 12 75


                                             Swedish Shop,

                                             IKEA – 1432 chaussée de Mons, 1070 Anderlecht





·        Restaurants:                  Tout Pres Tout Pres,

                                            413, Chaussee de Boendael, 1050 Bruxelles

                                            tel. (02) 640 8080



·        Shops:                           The English Shop,

                                            186, rue Stevin, 1000 Bruxelles

                                            tel. (02) 735 1138




                                            Maxi Vins,    (esp. good for whiskies)

                                            83, avenue Prekelinden, 1200 Bruxelles-Stockel

                                            tel. (02) 735 32 00


                                            Stonemanor – The British Shop,

                                                                          Steenhofstraat 28, 3078 Everberg

                                                                          Tel. (02) 759 4979





·        Restaurants:                  None

·        Shops:




·        Restaurants:                  None

·        Shops:


28.  TURKEY:


·        Restaurants:                  Istanbul,

                                           17, rue du Marché aux Fromages, 1000 Bruxelles

                                            tel. (047) 228 6528



                                            91, Chaussee d’Haecht, 1030 Bruxelles

                                            tel. (02) 218 5127



                                            54, rue du Méridien, 1210 Bruxelles

                                            tel.  (02) 219 5155

·        Shops:




                  Niels Jørgen Thøgersen

                  January 8, 2006   (6th edition)