Explanations about each day
What happened on THIS DAY
              TODAY 2021 - JANUARY

             TODAY 2021 - FEBRUARY



New 2021 edition


Today is here in Belgium 2 hours and 25 minutes shorter than December 21. Its length is 10 hours and 22 minutes – from 07.45 to 18.08.  

See more about where you are – also in English – on:  www.dagenslaengde.dk


This day is called EUCHARIAS DAY.  He was a man who against his will was nominated bishop of Orléans. Later he was put to prison, because he as bishop worked against king Charles Martel, who wanted to be the head of the church. After Martel’s victory over the Moors he wanted to get all the belongings of the church. Consequently, Eucharias was sent to a monestary near Cologne. He died here in 743.

In Belgium this day is called SAINTE AIMÉE  - after Sainte Aimée of Assissi, who lived in the 13th century.



1962:  John Glenn is the first American astronaut to circle around the earth in his space ship. The year earlier the Russian cosmonaut Jurij Gagarin was the first man to make a trip around the Earth in his space ship.



When in Rome, do as the Romans do - what’s the origin? And what does it mean?

This is an interesting and lengthy historical explanation:

This expression means: It is polite, and possibly also advantageous, to abide by the customs of a society when one is a visitor.

Why should an English proverb single out Rome and Roman values as especially to be emulated? Couldn't we have had a 'when in Ipswich, do as the Ipswichians do' for example? As it turns out, it's all to do with the travel arrangements of a couple of early Christian saints.

St Augustine: Letters Volume I   was translated from the Latin by Sister W. Parsons and published in 1951. Letter 54 to Januarius contains this original text, which date from circa 390 AD:

Cum Romanum venio, ieiuno Sabbato; cum hic sum, non ieiuno: sic etiam tu, ad quam forte ecclesiam veneris, eius morem serva, si cuiquam non vis esse scandalum nec quemquam tibi.

which was translated as:

When I go to Rome, I fast on Saturday, but here [Milan] I do not. Do you also follow the custom of whatever church you attend, if you do not want to give or receive scandal.

Januarius, who was later canonised as a martyr saint, was Bishop of Naples at the time.

The above dates the source of the proverb to at least as early as the beginnings of the Christian church. The implied flexibility on dogma and acceptance of the religious and social practices of other cultures seems to be more akin to the contemporary Buddhist teachings of the Dalai Lama than those of present day Christian authorities.

The use of the proverb in English isn't recorded until much later - well into the Middle Ages.

Robert Burton's  The Anatomy of Melancholy  was first published in 1621. Burton makes oblique reference to the phrase, without using it explicitly:

...like Mercury, the planet, are good with good, bad with bad. When they are at Rome, they do there as they see done, puritans with puritans, papists with papists

He was slightly predated by Henry Porter, who came a little nearer to the present day version of the proverb in his play The pleasant history of the two angry women of Abington, 1599:

Nay, I hope, as I have temperance to forbear drink, so have I patience to endure drink: Ile do as company dooth; for when a man doth to Rome come, he must do as there is done.

The Interesting letters of Pope Clement XIV [a.k.a. Lorenzo Ganganelli] were published in 1777. Letter XLIV [to Prior Dom Galliard] contains the earliest version of the proverb as currently used in English that I have found in print:

The siesto, or afternoon's nap of Italy, my most dear and reverend Father, would not have alarmed you so much, if you had recollected, that when we are at Rome, we should do as the Romans do - cum Romano Romanus eris.

The proverb is so clichéd as to have been adapted to suit many other locations -  this web search   brings up thousands. Its familiarity, and the expectation that everyone knows the ending, has caused it also to be used in the shortened version - 'when in Rome...'. This dates back to at least the 1930s when a play of that title, written by Charles Faber, was performed in New York.



Strike when the iron is hot   -  where does that come from? And what does it mean?



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1.  Yesterday’s quote:

The masses will follow a leader, who is 20 steps ahead. But if he is a thousand steps ahead of them, they do not see him, and they do not follow him

            This was said by the Danish poet Georg Brandes.

2.  Today’s quote:

I don’t like TV talk shows. You are slowly fried on the camera grill, and the interviewer is all the time blowing the charcoal.

Who among this day’s persons has said that?

3.  Famous people born on this day:

1904:  Alexei Kosygin  ( died 1980 )

1911:  P.V. Glob  ( died 1985 )

1925:  Robert Altman  ( died 2006 )

1927:  Sidney Poitier    -   see photo below


4.  Famous people died on this day:

1685:  Sophie Amalie  ( 57 years )

1920:  Robert Peary  ( 64 years )

1963:  Jacob Gade  ( 84 years )

1966:  Chester Nimitz  ( 81 years )

2007:  Carl-Henning Pedersen  ( 94 years )

            2010:  Alexander Haig  ( 85 years )


Niels Jørgen Thøgersen


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