Get News from 28 countries in 20 languages

Name :                     LIVING EUROPE  


Participants :          All members of the Club of Venice


Date :                      April 13, 2010


Main elements :      USERS GUIDE to the new site    


LIVING EUROPE is a new public website, which offers live news from 28 European countries - in 20 Europeanlanguages. It is based on about 4.000 on-line sources.  In addition it presents for each country official and other links to public and unofficial information about the country. All for free.


LIVING EUROPE wants to start creating a real and lively European Public Space.

What do other Europeans think and discuss ?





1. Go to :  Use the Internet Explorer browser


2. You need to have Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer  ( easy and for free )


3. The HOME PAGE opens with a map of Europe


4. Click on the country you want information from ( so far all 27 EU countries + Croatia )


5. After ca. 5 seconds :  The country page opens


6. See the following boxes right under the name of the country :


·         Review  :  ( so far only available from Bulgaria )  The most recent press review from the media of the country concerned

·         Stories  :  The most important top 10 live stories on any topic in the country’s language right now ( and if you want to see them translated into another language you go to the drop-down box in the upper right corner and select the language you want. After a short while you have the texts in that language ). Note : a story is a group of articles talking about the same news story

·         Local articles on .. :  Here you get live articles in the country’s media on the country itself ( translation to other languages as above ) Some of the articles can, of course, be the same as in the first box ( currently the articles are selected by the country’s language ; soon it will be only articles from media sources of the spcific country

·         Other articles on … : The chapter shows articles on the country in the media of other countries (translations as above )

·         Links : In this chapter you will find more than 20 different links to information about the country ( public and other information ).


7. If you click on EUROPE in the upper blue area you will get to :


·         the links to the web sites of the European institutions

·         the newest information from EURANET   ( a European network of local radio stations )

·         the newest daily information from Presseurop   ( a cooperation between 10 European daily newspapers )  ( the link does not function right now )

·         more to follow soon….


8. If you click on ABOUT in the upper blue area you will have more background information about LIVING EUROPE 


9. The Chapter SURVEY will become operational as soon as possible


10. And the Chapter BLOG will also start working very soon.


11. LIVING EUROPE has been made possible by precious help and contributions from colleagues in the Club of Venice and from elsewhere – and not least by an enormous technical effort and creativity of our colleague, Martin Atkinson, at EU’s Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy.


12. Please, send me your comments and suggestions to :    



Niels Jørgen Thøgersen


April 13, 2010    


4th edition