Active networking on the web

A Communications 2.0 Tool

F A C T   S H E E T

NAME:              GOOGLE+


DATE:               August 9, 2011


MAIN FACTS:   Main functions of Google+


Google’s new social media Google+ is a service, which in many ways runs in the same as Facebook. But it has a number of special functions and advantages, which are new and very interesting:


  1. The backbone of Google+ are groups called Circles. When you invite contacts you have to decide which circle they go to ( such as friends, family, acquaintances or circles you can create yourself ). This means that your contacts are not all in one big group. They are split up in several groups. And you can communicate differently with each of them


  1. You can easily share photos, links or posts with all of your contacts in each circle


  1. Huddle is a superfast message service to each of your circles, so that you can inform or ask them questions very quickly


  1. A live and free multi-user video chat function is available in each circle. It’s called Hangouts. You have to download Google Talk and Video to run it ( very easy and fast ).


  1. You can also watch a YouTube video in real time with your contacts in each circle


  1. The so-called Sparkes feature makes it possible – together with your contacts in each circle – to see articles, blogs and other contents from the entire Internet


  1. You can also instantly upload photos and videos to the cloud, and decide later how and with whom to share them.  A special Google+ mobile app for smartphones makes this very easy


  1. Finally, it is very easy to leave Google+, if you don’t want to stay as a member


  1. Google+ is not yet available for organisations or companies. It has started with individuals as members. And millions worldwide have already signed up.


  1.   Learning by trying it out is the best way of testing Google+.   Please, share your experience with me – new functions, new possibilities, etc.







Niels Jørgen Thøgersen





Communications 2.0 tool





What is it ? How can it be used ?



FACEBOOK is a website on the Internet. A huge social network ( a socnet as the Americans call it ) for all its members. It started in 2004 and now has over 800 million members worldwide.


It is totally free to be a member.


And you can very easily join the network on this address:  


You use your own e-mail address as login – and then you choose yourself your password.


You are now on board and can start exploring all the possibilities. Learning by doing J



What can FACEBOOK then be used for ?


·         You can very easily and very fast get in contact with your friends


·         You can easily present and discuss all sorts of topics which interest you, such as politics, events, discussions in the public debate, proposals for new initiatives in your country, in Europe and in the world, etc.


·         You can as often as you want to write a bit about what you are doing at the moment and what you are thinking and planning


·         You can use the built-in search engine to find old friends and family, whom you haven’t had contact with for a long time


·         You will be reminded of the birthdays of your friends ( if they have written them in )


·         You can be invited to take part in special interest groups – or you can yourself create such groups and invite people to join


·         You can put questions to hear, if anybody can help


·         There is also a Market Place on FACEBOOK. Find it on the right side of your opening page


·         FACEBOOK is excellent for family groups, where all family members meet and exchange information, nice memories and photos


·         You can upload photos


·         And there is also a possibility to add small video clips of your own


·         There is also a possibility to give an oral message, if you want to


·         Is it all for fun or for more serious matters ?  Luckily I can say YES to both J


·         Spam ?  No. You only hear from your friends – either directly or get invitations from them.


·         Very time-consuming ?  You are the master. You decide totally yourself, how much time you will use


·         And IMPORTANT:  You can very easily quit FACEBOOK again, if you want to.


·         Also IMPORTANT:  Can others see what you write? Yes, of course. That’s the purpose of the whole operation. And can FACEBOOK ( which as a US company operates under American law ) keep your communication? I believe the answer is yes.  In other words: Don’t write or upload anything you don’t want others to see !!


What exactly do you do when you want to use all these opportunities ?


·         You can easily find friends, who are already members of FACEBOOK ( the box in the lower right corner of the opening page. It’s called: Find Your Friends )


·         You can invite your other friends to become a member ( also in a box on the right hand side of the opening page – called Invite Your Friends )


·         And you can find Groups, which have your special interest – and you can ask to join them. Or create new groups yourself



Summa Summarum :  The best way ahead is to try using the service. Nothing dangerous can happen – neither to you nor to your computer !  On the contrary !


Have good fun!  And SEE YOU on FACEBOOK J



Niels Jørgen Thøgersen


November 2011




SKYPE: kimbrer







F A C T   S H E E T



NAME:                       T W I T T E R


DATE:                        August 2, 2010


MAIN FACTS:            Main elements and functions of the service




TWITTER   - What is it ?


I am a twitter. I suggest that you join too.  What is it ?  It’s a rather new and very exciting social network, which many young people ( and many less young, who have turned older ) are very active in. Until now it  has about 150 million members worldwide. But that number is increasing fast every day.


My Twitter name is:  Niels_Thogersen .


And I already have many contacts. Including president Obama J


Why use Twitter ?  10 strong reasons:


1.       Send News  ( also from your mobile )


2.       Send Alerts ( Short message + Learn More... on web link ) ( also from your mobile )


3.       Get News and Alerts from important sources and contacts


4.       Take active part in Dialogues and Discussions


5.       Be present where people are


6.       Put Questions / Ask for Help and Advice


7.       Empower your contacts ( “Be the first to know”, etc. )


8.       Hashtag your subjects ( making it easy for others to find you )


9.       Retweet interesting information and messages


10.   Follow Tweetiquette  J  




More in details:


You can follow your contacts and their short messages in real time. And you can be followed yourself by the same people or others, who decide to follow you by seeing your messages. 


These messages can be of maximum 140 letters ( like text messages ), and they arrive immediately on the screen of your contact ( if the computer is open ).  The service can also be a very efficient News Service. As such it is a very important tool for CNN, BBC World Service and many others.


It was used very efficiently during the recent Italian earthquake and during the swine flu.   Many public institutions use it in their communication. The British Foreign Office is one of them. The Dutch government another one. NATO and the European Parliament too.


I was using Twitter to stimulate people to vote in the coming European elections.


During  the presidential elections in Iran the opposition used Twitter actively to get information out on the anti-democratic moves by the authorities. And at the elections in Moldova the democratic anti-government forces used Twits in the same way.


And I also used it in my work around the Climate Change conference in Copenhagen and not least in my activities in interactive communications ( COMMUNICATIONS 2.0 ).



More about the practical side:


1)       Sending Twits (max. 140 letters ):  Give short facts. Or a comment. Or a question.    

                              Perhaps add:  Learn more here ( and then add a weblink )


2)       If the link is too long you can shorten it on this site:  


3)       If you want to make it easy for other people to find one of your Tweets, then write

a hashtag ( # ) in front of the main word in your Tweet


4)       You can also send your Tweets directly from your mobile phone


·         first go to your Twitter site and to Settings/Devices

·         then write your mobile number into the site ( remember the national prefix )

·         after that you just send your Tweets to:  0044 7624 801 423

·         and your message will be sent automatically to all  your Twitter followers


5)       You can also send DIRECT MESSAGES to your individual followers


6)       You can send photos via:


7)       You can send automatic feeds from your blog(s) via:


8)       Y ou can reply to incoming Tweets ( click on the @ to the right of the message )


9)       You can retweet ( send a Tweet on to your followers )


10)   You can search for messages or topics on Twitter:  


11)   You can update all your social network sites ( such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,

Plaxo, XING, Flickr, etc. ) via this site:



How to get started ?


a)       If you don’t know how to start tweeting, then have a first look at what other people are twitting about


b)       How to find people to follow ? Have a look at the followers and the people being followed by some established “contacts” you know – and start following those you like


c)       You can choose to follow people, who follow you. But you can also choose not to follow them. Either because you think they are not interesting or because you find them weird. It is not a question to follow as many people as possible. It’s a question to follow as many people as possible, which you find interesting and stimulating.



Just unserious and a waste of time ?


Not at all.  It’s with Twitter as with anything else: It is what you make of it. Letters, e-mails and phone calls can also be unserious and waste of time. You decide yourself, who your contacts should be.


If you join and want to find out who are already on Twitter you click on Find People in the upper line.  If they are not in already you can invite them by e-mail  ( further to the right in the same box ). Or you can let Twitter check your electronic address book to find out who are on Twitter.  When you have the list you can click and invite those persons you want to link up with also on Twitter. And there is no danger that Twitter will keep or use your address book for anything else.


Let’s TWEET - about ideas, experiences, reactions, challenges.


Are you on board?       Ok?


4th edition.



Niels Jørgen Thøgersen             

February 2012     




SKYPE:   kimbrer       TWITTER:  Niels_Thogersen












Niels Jørgen Thøgersen







The free LINKED IN networking service


The Network Service LINKED IN

Get direct access to a huge number of contacts



Networking is today the most efficient way of working. Having direct access to a lot of people worldwide with a lot of professional experience and knowledge is immensely important for any of us.


This is exactly what the free network service LINKED IN is all about.  Click here:  


If you want to join this service you have to fill out a simple form, which appears automatically after you click. You also have to choose your own personal password. Filling out your Personal Profile is very important. The clearer and the more specific you are in describing yourself and your activities and interests the easier it is for other LINKED IN members to find you, if they want to ask you professional questions or to share information with you.


After doing that you are a member and immediately on board.


LINKED IN has today more than 175 million members around the world. And this number increases every day.


How do you invite your contacts and friends to join LINKED IN?  On your opening page you go to INVITATIONS and then to SEND INVITATION.  And here you write the names and e-mail addresses of those people you want to invite.


You can also search for names in the Search Box. In this way you can see, if the person you are looking for is already a LINKED IN member. Then you can then invite her or him to join YOUR personal network too (through the box the to right of the screen).


If you receive and accept an invitation from one of your friends or contacts to join you will immediatelyget access to her/his contacts. And not only that – you will also get access to the contacts ofthese contacts.   This means in practice that as a member you have access to your own contacts ( layer 1 ), to the friends of your contacts ( layer 2 ) and also to the friends of those friends ( layer 3 ).



To give you a concrete example of the strength of this network I can tell you that I today have 1.534 direct contacts,  and linked to 10.134.291 contacts in total. 


It is important to underline that it is not only the number of contacts, which is an important point. It is in particular crucial that you ensure that the friends and contacts you invite have profiles near to your activities and interests. If they have that there is a very good chance that their contacts ( in layer 2  ) also share your interests and background.  This is the way to build a really forceful network, which can be of immense use to you every day.


And what can you use LINKED IN for?  In the Search Box ( in the upper part of the screen when you have your own list of contacts on the screen) you can write a Name you are looking for? Or a geographical location, from where you look for contacts or expertise? Or a problem/question, where you want to find an expert.   The search engine will then search among all your 1st – 2nd - and 3rd  layer contacts.  And immediately give you the answer. This means that the more 1st level contacts you have yourself the more useful LINKED IN will be to you.


The LINKED IN also has a special Answer Service.  You find it on your personal start page. If you write and send a question in that Box you will most certainly get replies from several people throughout the whole LINKED IN service. Very, very powerful instrument too.


LINKED IN is also very successful when you are looking for a new job.


Afraid of Spam or unwanted mail?  There is no Spam in this service.  And my personal experience with LINKED IN is that you only get mails from other members, when it is really relevant and interesting.


Easy. And free. And you can invite as many contacts as you want. Try to invite many different contacts in as many countries as possible. The more useful LINKED IN will be to YOU – and to all your contacts too.


Some people say: I don’t have time for that sort of network.  This is wrong. It does not take time. It saves you a lot of time. It makes you more efficient.


As CNN said recently about this service: If you are not LINKED IN you are linked out !


And one thing more: If you some day want to quit the service again it is also very, very easy.






Niels Jørgen Thøgersen      ( e-mail: )


November 2012

See also:  






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