Operational Guide on social networks
Social networks and public communication






Participants :       Members of the Club of Venice, the Web 2.0 Animation Group,

                             External experts, etc.


Date :                   August 7, 2011  ( 4th  edition )


Main elements :   LIST OF CONTENTS for the GUIDE  ( electronic )


  1. Purpose of this practical and hands-on Guide. Produced in Wiki format and permanently updated by all participants. An editor and a handful of animators to steer and stimulate the process.  And with two objectives : 


·         Collecting and explaining best practices

·         Setting new standards in the area

·         Providing the best service for the citizens and stimulate an active dialogue between citizens and public authorities


  1. Definition of social media  ( broad definition ) :  digital many-to-many communication in a closed, semi-open or in particular open forum. Needs contribution from more than one participant


  1. Definition of Public Communication / Public Diplomacy


  1. Short overview of the state of play of social media  ( incl. cross scheme on how they relate to each other )   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_networking_websites 


  1. Defining an intelligent mix of social media combined with home pages


  1. Monitoring of social media.  Work with social media has to start by monitoring them


·         Blog monitoring services

·         LIVING EUROPE  (  www.livingeurope.eu )

·         Google Analytics


  1. Facebook in public communication – you can create :


·         A brand site 

·         A personal brand site ( like Herman van Rumpuy )

·         A purpose/campaign site  ( like EU – Your Voice )

·         An open group, a closed group or a secret group


  1. Twitter in public communication


  1. Google+ in public communication ( though not yet open to profiles from companies and organisations – will probably happen soon )


  1. YouTube in public communication


  1.  Image sharing in public communication  ( Flickr, Picasa, etc. ) Cases : The White House and 10 Downing Street using Flickr


  1.  Sound and social media in public communication  ( podcast, Soundcloud, etc. )


  1.  Blogs  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog  )


  1.  Wikis and crowdsourcing sites  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki  ) (http://www.sitepoint.com/6-great-crowdsourcing-sites-for-freelancers/ )


  1.  Syndication and aggregation platforms  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_network_aggregation )


  1.  Geolocation platforms  ( such as  http://mashable.com/2011/04/07/geolocation-field-service/


  1.  Mobile and web applications


  1.  Viral communications   (http://viralcomm.media.mit.edu/index.php )


  1.  Social media and public campaigns


  1.  Social media in crisis communication  ( esp. About using social media in identifying a possible crisis well on beforehand )


  1.  Social media in service of the citizens  ( based on what the citizens want and expect )


  1.  Social media in internal communication with the staff. Case : Yammer


  1.  Social media and public diplomacy / digital diplomacy


  1.  Guidelines for officials in their use of social media as officials ( e.g. the UK Government Guide, the Guidelines from the Swedish govenment, and  others )


  1.  Social media and privacy


  1.  Social media and the traditional media


  1.  Citizens’ Journalism – and public communication


  1.  On-line meetings, webinars, etc.


  1.  Training in the use of social media, incl. on-line training. Very important for everybody.    Short and well-targeted training courses ( + learning by doing )


  1.  On-line sources to social media  ( like www.mashable.com and others )



Timing :  1st edition ready for the Club of Venice plenary in November 2011 


Updates to be done permanently and on-line


The GUIDE will never be final. It will be a permanent and on-going process.


Editor  : Niels Jørgen Thøgersen  ( with a group of colleagues in an editorial animation group )









Niels Jørgen Thøgersen




August 8, 2011