The land of the Cimbrians
A short and schematic historical overview
Niels Jørgen Thøgersen
- 1. The ERTEBOLLE CULTURE in the stone age ( 3-4000 BC)
The kitchen midden period
Sources: Huge kitchen middens in the west of Himmerland
70-80 generations ( 1 generation = 30 years )
- 2.
The CIMBRIANS ( in the iron and bronze age )
* Sources: lots of Greek and Roman historians shortly after the birth of Christ
* Home area: Cimbrian
Land = Himmerland. Local names like: Simested
* Symbol: The BULL (memorized by the Cimbrian bull in Aalborg)
* The fortress of Borremose (in use until about 125 AC). Longhouses, clothes, shoes and
weapons found
* The Gundestrup Pot (proof of trade with the Romans and others)
* Emigrate to a very large extent towards the south around 120 BC. Reason? Floods? Famine? Overpopulated? Meet up with other
Germanic tribes on the way – not least the Teutons
* Beat the Roman legions in many battles on the way, esp. the battle near the Mont de Victoire in the South of France on 103 BC. The Romans loose 112.000 soldiers
* Are defeated and also exterminated by the Romans in 101 BC in Vercillae west of Milan
* A few thousand Cimbrians excape to the north-east into valleys in the Dolomites north of Verona
* Today 7 Cimbrian
municipalities still exist in this area, not least Ljetzan (Giazza in Italian). They speak Zimbrisch. And have blue eyes. We visited them in 2004
* The Museum Centre in Aars in the west of Himmerland is the main centre for exhibits
about the Cimbrians. The building resembles the hammer of the Cimbrian god Thor and is made by Per Kirkeby
* Other Scandinavian tribes also emigrate in the same period, such as Gothic people from the west of Sweden, the Burgunds from
the island of Bornholm, the Vandals from Vendsyssel in the very north of Jutland, etc. This was the time of the great migrations
* In these migrations people moved because of dangers and peril to areas with a more developed
civilization at the time
25-30 generations
- 3.
* Known fortresses: Fyrkat in Hobro, Aggersborg in Hanherred, etc.
* Symbol: a red flag with the Nordic god Odin’s two
ravens Huginn and Muginn in silhouette
* Moved abroad at sea – not by foot like their ancestors the Cimbrians
* The Himmerland fjords Limfjorden and Mariager Fjord
were excellent bases for the Viking fleets
* Theywent overseas because they as a tribe had a reserve of strength to build large longboats, make superior weapons and were very well organized
* And the Vikings normally came to areas which were less developed than their homeland (often due to the lawlessness following the fall of the Roman empire during the centuries before)
* The
Vikings from Himmerland normally returned to Himmerland after their expeditions – unlike the Cimbrians, who never returned
30-35 generations